We have a real Dynamic Duo this month-Murphy and Cooper Donovan! These Irish brothers are always ready to go for a walk and play in the yard-they have energy to spare! Please enjoy their story.

1. What is your name, age, and where do you live?
Murphy – 17 months – Cranberry Township Cooper – 14 months – Cranberry Township
2. What is your favorite food?
Murphy – anything I can beg Cooper – strawberries
3. Favorite pastime?
Murphy -eating things I shouldn’t Cooper – bothering Murphy
4. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Murphy – Cooper steals all my bones when I’m trying to chew them. Cooper – I get blamed for everything!
5. Favorite time of year?
Murphy – I don’t like hot weather…I prefer cooler days outside. Cooper – anytime that I get to go outside.
6. Best vacation destination?
Murphy & Cooper – the backyard when Mom puts out the pool.
7. Favorite spot to snuggle/nap?
Murphy & Cooper – on the deck next to each other.
8. What is the naughtiest thing you have ever done?
Murphy – I take things that I shouldn’t and swallow them. I’ve eaten garden gloves, swiffers, and wash cloths just to name a few.
Cooper – I was looking out the window and got excited when I saw something outside and I pulled down the blinds trying to get a better look.