Happy Holidays! We can’t believe how fast time has gone! We’re so happy to end the year with the Stanko gang! Emma, Spanky and Stanley are long time clients and we just love them. Though sometimes a little mischievous at getting back in the house, this crew is one of our favorites. We wish you a very happy holiday! See you next year!

1. What is your name, age, and where do you live?
Emma 12 year old lab, Fombell Spanky 4 year old Schnoodle, Fombell Stanley 2 year old, Mexican street urchin, Fombell
2. What is your favorite food?
Emma – ANYTHING! Seriously, anything. I down food so quickly that I don’t even taste it. Spanky – Hemp treats called Quiet Moments. Stanley – Who needs food when you have love?!
3. Favorite pastime?
Emma – Chillaxin’ Spanky – My first is patrolling our border, and by border, I mean yard.My second favorite is wrestling with my brother, Stanley. Stanley -Playing with my toys and wrestling with my brother, Spanky.
4. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Emma- When my humans catch me trying to eat my brothers’ food. Spanky- I’m moody, that’s why they call me “Cranky Spanky.” My pet peeve changes daily. Stanley: Life is great! No problems with anyone or anything. Just don’t touch my toys.
5. Favorite time of year?
Emma – Spring or Autumn Spanky – I’m moody. Favorite time of the year depends on how I’m feeling at the moment. Stanley: Summer!!! I’m from the Texas/ Mexico border. I love the heat!
6. Best vacation destination?
Emma- I enjoy the kennel when my humans are away……I know where they store the food. Spanky- I love car rides, so it’s all about the journey, not the destination. Stanley- I don’t like leaving home. After my long ride to my forever home, I now get car sick.
7. Favorite spot to snuggle or nap?
Emma- it was in the bed when I was young but now it’s on the cool floor. Spanky- either a lap or in bed Stanley – either a lap or in bed
8. What is the naughtiest thing you have ever done?
Emma – took a walk in Frick park and decided to take a MUD bath with the other dogs. I went from a yellow to a black lab in 2 seconds. Spanky – Came home with a bunch of empty beer cans. Wouldn’t tell where I found them. Stanley – Broke through the electronic fence and scoured my neighborhood and invited my brother to run around with me. It was late and very dark. Spanky and I had fun. My humans- not so much.