Spring has sprung! Charlie Nacey is our Dog of the Month for April and boy is he a cutie! Charlie has a great personality and we just love him! Enjoy reading about Charlie!

1. What is your name, age, and where do you live? Marvin Charles “Charlie”, 2 years old, Mars 2. What is your favorite food? Anything my Hoomans are eating but probably chicken 3. Favorite pastime? Snuggling 4. What is your biggest pet peeve? When anyone has the gall to walk down my street! (I run from window to window barking) 5. Favorite time of year? Summer! I spend LOTS of time in my backyard and even nap on the patio 6. Best vacation destination? Miss Maureen’s! (It’s the only place I ever go :-)) 7. Favorite spot to snuggle/nap? Wherever my Mommy is. 8. What is the naughtiest thing you have ever done? When my Mimi and Papa we’re keeping me, early in the morning I “ooofed” (I don’t bark, just quietly ooof) to wake up Papa so he got up and got dressed to take me on my morning walk. When he came out of the bathroom all dressed and ready to go, he found me back in bed snuggling with Mimi.